
Gpa Prince - June 08

Gpa Prince - June 08, originally uploaded by EDP2009.

Grandpa was bigger than life itself and always seemed to have it by the tail. I remember spending time at the house in Katy. How his face would light up when we'd come through the front door and how much he enjoyed producing from his pockets a stash of tic tacs. I loved listening to him talk -- the subject didn't really matter. He was an expert on everything, of course. Perhaps he was occasionally wrong, but he was never in doubt. I was even endeared to his signature throat clearing that announced he was going to say something important so you'd better buckle up. Everything he did was done in a big way: Castone, greenhouse, rabbits, church service. He was a proud man, but in a way that inspired and motivated those that looked up to him to believe we could do anything we put our minds to because we were a Prince. I felt like I was important and special largely because of his influence. He touched many people other than those who knew him best. During my years as a high counselor in the stake, there wasn't a ward I visited where someone didn't come up to me and ask if I was related to Grandpa. It always made me proud to tell them that I was his grandson.

1 comment:


What a great history behind your grandfather. I love reading about how others influence the lives of their family! thanks for sharing!