
Happy Halloween!

Scary Tree-1, originally uploaded by EDP2009.

This spooky tree is about 7 miles from our house.


Family Picture - Outtake #237

Family Picture - Outtake #237, originally uploaded by EDP2009.

Tough to get a good family picture when #5 likes to clown around!


Red Flower

Red Flower, originally uploaded by EDP2009.

I took this back in July with my old camera. Maybe Sara can tell me what kind of a flower this is and I'll come up with a better title.



Grandma Goodwin - 96 years young

Grandma Goodwin, originally uploaded by EDP2009.

One of the better pictures of Grandma that I took over conference weekend. She still rocks!


Thinking of . . .

Sophie Prince, originally uploaded by EDP2009.

My cute, hard-to-photograph niece, Sophie.


Mattie in Grandma's Flower Garden

Had an enjoyable weekend in Austin. Especially enjoyed being with Grandma Goodwin and seeing her beautiful flowers.