
Anne-iversary Rose

Anne-iversary Rose, originally uploaded by EDP2009.

Ok, so I was a couple weeks late but Anne and I celebrated 17 yrs. Went to dinner and brought her some flowers (that Aimee picked out).

Melissa Z's Raspberry Cream Muffins

Anne surprised us with muffins for breakfast today! This is Melissa Z's recipe, which I highly recommend. Shooting info: 1/25 sec at f/16, ISO 200


Mosquito Torch Thingy

IMG_1384, originally uploaded by EDP2009.

Interesting pattern and colors, I thought. Taken at the Audubon Zoo in New Orleans.



IMG_1372, originally uploaded by EDP2009.

I thought this was a cool. Taken at the Audubon Zoo after some rain.


Summer Sunset Swinging

Swinging Away the Summer, originally uploaded by EDP2009.

Mattie swinging at a park in Salt Lake City.

Carousel Fun

IMG_1528, originally uploaded by EDP2009.

not perfectly executed but was trying to freeze Andrew while capturing the motion (called panning) -- easier said than done